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Portable WiFi + Bluetooth + Video Audio Jammer (01/19/2016)

The video audio jammer can help us to protect commercial secrets in business meetings,from wireless spy cameras. We profit from the developing of science and technology,they give us convenient and comfortable life but they also bring us some trouble at the same time.For example,at the beginning,wireless spy cameras were used for inte...

High Power Waterproof Mobile Phone Jammer (01/15/2016)

The waterproof mobile phone jammer is powerful in jamming 2G and 3G signals.Different with other inside using signal jammer,the one can be used outside with the waterproof outer casing design. The 120W High power waterproof 2G 3G mobile phone Jammer is professional and exclusive mobile phones ,not other signals. It is a new security ...

PC Controlled Mobile Phone Signal Blocker for Church (01/12/2016)

The 15W High Power PC Controlled WiFi Bluetooth 2G 3G 4G Mobile Phone Signal Blocker is a good choice for churches ,to refuse the using of mobile phones,WiFi and Bluetooth. In some respects,it is disrespectful to God when people act in church ,especial the pray and confession. It is necessary to make mobile phone signal blockers work...

Professional 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer (01/08/2016)

4G signals ,includes 4G LTE and 4G Wimax,together with 2G and 3G signals now are widely used in smart phones technology.And the model JFC-021-0050,15W High Power 6 Antenna Adjustable 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer,we are talking today is a professional mobile phone jammer those places where mobile phones are not allowed. In fact ,so many ...

No Spy Camera :Portable Wireless Video Audio Jammer (01/05/2016)

To refuse and say NO to spy cameras,we need helps of wireless video audio jammer.For keeping business secrets within meeting with your clients,what you do and what you say should not be let out -- but you can't promise everyone around you in the meeting has no spy camera in hand privately...You may need a professional signal jammer solves...

310MHz 315MHz 390MHz 433MHz Remote Control Jammer (12/29/2015)

The plug and play remote control jammer helps us in jamming radio frequencies of 310MHz 315MHz 390MHz 433MHz.We mentioned before,almost of remote control jammer can help cops to open cars' of suspects and without causing any notice.Besides,remote control jammer can help to jam drones as well. Topic of “Terrorist activities&...

3G 4G Mobile Phone Signal Jammer (12/25/2015)

This mobile phone signal jammer is with a powerful ability in jamming 2G 3G 3G phones which work via those radio frequencies: CDMA(851MHz-894MHz), GSM(925MHz-960MHz), DCS(1805MHZ-1880MHz,PCS(1930MHz-1990MHz),3G(2110MHz-2185MHz),4GLTE)725-785MHZ,4G (Wimax)2300-2410MHZ.It is a device is that intends to prevent radio equipment from receiving and...

Cell Phone Jammer on Bus (12/22/2015)

It seems someone talks loudly on their cell phone with little etiquette for others around them has been a common problem on bus.And it is a problem to ask their voice down,afford them a filthiest look.So we recommend a portable 8 bands 3G 4G CellPhone Blocker and All GPS Signal Jammer for you on bus. When you can not stand with fello...

Three-in-one Wireless Bug Camera + WIFI +GPS Blocker (12/18/2015)

The stationary signal blocker can block wirelss bug cameras together with WiFi GPS signals at the same time. Wireless Bug cameras that works via WIFI signal ranges as below : 1.0G/1.1G:980-1100MHz,1.2G:1100-1200MHz,1.3G:1200 -1360MHz,2.4G:2400 - 2500MHz,were included into the covering range of the signal blocker.If you place that the...

Waterproof Wireless Software Controlled Prison Jammer (12/15/2015)

The signal jammer is designed for prisons,waterproof,lockable metal outer casing and wireless software controlled (if you will fix it on a high wall ). We know,inmates in prisons always have ideas and ways to get mobile phones -- although they are always to be educated and even ordered to give up mobile phones -- forbidden of course....

Multifunctional Signal Blocker for Blocking Mobile Phone + Bluetooth +RF Signal (12/11/2015)

The multifunctional signal blocker can help customers in blocking mobile phone ,Bluetooth and RF signals.So,if you are currently looking for one for all of these,it may be the one. Mobilephonesignals-CDMA(851MHz-894MHz),GSM(925MHz-960MHz),DCS(1805MHz-1880MHz),PCS(1930MHz-1990MHz), 3G(2110MHz-2185MHz),means 2G 3G signals are covered b...

Reasons of You Need a Portable Wireless Video and WiFi Signal Jammer (12/08/2015)

If you are a tenant or need to travel a lot, you’d better to take one portable wireless video signal jammer. You know wireless pinhole cameras are everywhere,guys just need to spend a little money to get one -- that is why a growing number of private videos are published online. A news of last moth -- four girls rented a house ...

China Military Parade II Vehicles for State Guests (12/04/2015)

In the past parade,people focused on showing formations,there was around 12,000 Chinese troops in 50 formations,including 11 infantry phalanxes,27 vehicle and equipment formation,10 aviation echelons and two motorized formations of veterans of the war against japan.Besides,vehicles for state guests -- states’ leaders were driven to the ...

Customized Waterproof Signal Jammer (12/01/2015)

Also be a heavy duty signal jammer ,weight 27kg ,200 or 250 Watt output power.An important thing is ,this is a customized available signal jammer,you will get one that was depended on your requirements. You may tell us what you want it to do,then you will be suggested detail frequencies.For the signal jammer,here are the working freq...

No Cell Phone & GPS & WIFI ?One Signal Jammer Helps enough ! (11/27/2015)

Most of powerful signal jammers for jamming 2G 3G 4G cell phones ,GPS and WiFi are stationary or desktop design,inconvenient in fact ,if we demand to carry it away to somewhere...It dosen’t matter,here is a small one with portable design but powerful,it can meet our requirements at the same time. The portable signal jammer comes wit...

Applications of A Powerful Phone Jammer (11/24/2015)

What can a powerful phone jammer do ,any applications ? As a high output powerful phone jammer, the one JFC-021-0110 ,with a high ability to jam to block 2G: CDMA 851-894 MHz,GSM 925 -960 MHz,DCS /PCS 1805 -1990 MHz;3G :2110 -2170 MHz ;4G :725 -770 MHz; 4G:2345-2400 MHz or 2620 -2690 MHz.That includes almost of cell phones ,the growi...

Portable WiFi Bluetooth 3G 4G Mobile Phone Blocker (11/20/2015)

The portable mobile phone blocker is able to block signals of CDMA GSM (850 - 960 MHz),DCS PCS (1805 -1990 MHz),3G (2100 - 2170 MHz),4G LTE (725 - 770 MHz) ,4G Wimax (2345 - 2400 MHz or 2620 - 2690 MHz),WiFi (2400 - 2500 MHz).It means the device can block 2G 3G 4G smart phones ,including WiFi and Bluetooth functions. Capacity of buil...

Wireless Video Signal Jammer in Public Places (11/17/2015)

Due to the increasing of hidden camera in public places (dressing rooms,hotel rooms,washing rooms,meeting rooms or meeting rooms),owners or administrators shall have taken some measures to prevent customers and passengers’ privacy from the little evil devices.Portable wireless video signal jammer is designed for personal client ,and tha...

How to Forbid Unauthorized Call ? (11/13/2015)

How to forbid unauthorized call in some special places ,such as gas stations,prisons and military bases?Well ,maybe we cannot adopt the general ways,you know that is useless.Especially in prisons,inmates are always to be educated and even ordered to give up mobile phones -- forbidden of course.So the officials have to take some direct and str...

A New Policy to Recreational Drones - Remote Control Jammer (11/10/2015)

A new policy to recreational drones was announced last month by American federal regulators :recreational drone operators will be required to register their aircraft.Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx told why the new policy is needed, “There can be no accountability if the person breaking the rule can’t be identified”.Th...

Wireless Video & WiFi Signal Jammer (11/06/2015)

The signal jammer helps us to prevent from wireless hidden video and unknown WiFi source.Wireless video ranges from 980MHz to 1200MHz, and WiFi 2400Mhz -2500Mhz are the jamming targets of the signal jammer. It is not difficult to know why we need a signal jammer to protect us from wireless video -- the small evil devices hide in thos...

Thieves' New Tool ? No Worries,Signal Jammer Will Help (11/04/2015)

According to a new,building stones of a quarry was always stolen by grands of thieves bu using walkie talkie radio.A guy took charge of watching ,when he found someone came,he would inform others inside to hide or withdraw -- that is their team work.You see ,walkie talkie radio has been the new tool of grands of larcenies.But it is OK,we have...

Avoid Noisy Phones in Speeches (11/02/2015)

The buzzing and jingles from cell phones in public place may cause others’ negative induced emotion,and that is rude behavior especially in theaters,cinemas,restaurants,concerts and speeches ,etc.For avoiding thus noisy ring,a power cell phone jammer is being suggested to be installed in those places to jam cell phones ,including 2G 3G ...

Do you want to have a 4 Antenna UHF VHF Signal Jammer? (10/30/2015)

Last night I was awakened at midnight. I don’t know why then I heard a noise of a young boy who is talking loudly maybe with his girlfriend through mobile phone. I am very tired and just can't understand why those people just enjoy their freedom to use their cell phone unscrupulous without thinking of others' feeling. I...

Why Alabama Prisons Installed Mobile Phone Blockers (10/28/2015)

It is a trend that mobile phone blockers are used in prisons to block calls and tests phones of inmates inside.Such as the Alabama Department of corrections,Montgomery has planed to do that in some prisons.They planed to install a “managed access” system for correctional facilities,three prisons in Elmore County. Besides,...

Signal jammers Help in Wars on Terror (10/26/2015)

IED,Improvised Explosive Device,is the most powerful weapon of terrorist and insurgents.But it was proved in many wars on terror,the simple and cheap weapon are disabled by signal jammers.The devices are so incredibly important to military to strip IED. The signal jammer we are talking about is exclusive for jamming IED in wars on te...

New Tide of Signal Jammer : WiFi + Bluetooth + Wireless Video (10/23/2015)

Signal jammers have expanded their functions ,not only for jamming mobile phones,they have new tide today.Anyway,the working principle are the same,sending out signals to fool the receiver there are no frequencies available to make or receive.For the new tide ,signal jammers have jam WiFi,Bluetooth, wireless video,walkie-talkie,etc.For the si...

Who is looking for a 3G Mobile Phone Walkie-talkie jammer? (10/21/2015)

Have you ever been disturbed by the noises of the mobile phones at meeting or you just can’t stand all the children is playing mobile phone games and surfing at dinner table? If the answer is yes then maybe you can consider having a Mobile Phone Jammer to change this kind of situation. Here is a 15W High Power adjustable 3G Mob...

Golden GPSL1 + 2G + 3G Handled Signal Jammer (10/19/2015)

The signal jammer is for protecting our privacy in cell phones and GPS equipment,takes us safe and quite environment.One difference of the signal jammer is ,it has a golden outer casing ,so a bright and vivid color. Yes,the portable design is so convenient for us to take it into bag ,briefcase,car and anywhere,it is also fit in the p...

Do you need a Multifunctional Video Audio Jammer? (10/16/2015)

With the development of society there are more and more spy equipment come into our lives. Some people use variety kinds of spies to steal people's information. Just like if you have a car then you may worried that someone may use some devices to steal it if you have some confidential information then you want to do something to ...