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Three-in-one Wireless Bug Camera + WIFI +GPS Blocker

Posted on 18th Dec 2015 @ 9:55 AM

The stationary signal blocker can block wirelss bug cameras together with WiFi GPS signals at the same time.

Adjustable 7W Powerful All Wireless Bug Camera Jammer & WiFi GPS Blocker

Wireless Bug cameras that works via WIFI signal ranges as below : 1.0G/1.1G:980-1100MHz,1.2G:1100-1200MHz,1.3G:1200 -1360MHz,2.4G:2400 - 2500MHz,were included into the covering range of the signal blocker.If you place that the device work in is in the need of avoiding wireless bug cameras ,we can install the device in the center to clean up all evil cameras.For example,dressing rooms of supermarket ,who knows weather there are some guys install and hide spy cameras in dressing rooms to get private videos and sell for money.To be responsible for customers,owners or administrator shall take the device into your zone.Note that the signal blocker’s maximal blocking range is 40 meters.So ,even if there are really some spy cameras ,it dosen’t matter,the device will help to reduce the delict.The signal blocker will block the current conversations and new coming’s of cameras and video receiver,can form connection any more.Meeting rooms also shall like the signal blocker for jamming wireless bug cameras.

Anti GPS tracking ,not only needed by military but also civil using.As we know,GPS equipment and software are everywhere,vehicle,smart phones too.Especially tracking via mobile device ,such as our mobile phone,so we need a suspending zone for getting rid of tracking.All GPS equipment and software ,as long as working via GPSL1 1500-1600MHZ,they can not escape from the signal blocker -- forms a protection zone for all who were tracked.

The signal blocker comes with five antennas for 5 different channels ,we can adjust ,choose the channels we want to block and say NO to.