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Posted on 21st Sep 2015 @ 10:23 AM
It has been 84 years since the Japanese invasion in 1931 of northeastern China,the 84th memorial day today.As Chinese ,we should never forget the date.It is the beginning of the Second World War in China mainland,and colonial rule that lasted for 14 years.Japanese troops occupied Shenyang (capital city of Liaoning Province,one of three provinces of northeastern of China ) in the second day ,and then is the whole three provinces of northeastern China.
In Wikipedia,the Mukden Incident also named Manchurian Incident,was a staged event engineered by rogue Japanese military personnel as pretext for the Japanese invasion in 1931 of northeastern China,known as Manchurian.On September 18,1931,Lt. Suemori Kawamoto detonated a small quantity of dynamite close to a railway line owned by Japan’s South Manchuria Railway near Mukden (now Shenyang).The explosion was too weak to destroy the track and a train even could pass over it minutes later,but the so called Imperial Japanese Army,however,accused and framed Chinese troops and bombed the northern stations as the pretext.In “retaliation”,Japan responded with a full invasion that led to the occupation of Manchuria,in which Japan established its puppet state of Manchukuo six months later.They wanted to occupy northeastern even the whole China...
That is something what we just want to say in the big date,never forget the national humiliation,and cruel wars.Defensive weapons are the same important with assault weapons,take jammer product as a sample,our military jammers are mainly belong to defensive equipment.Applications that the jammers used in is "protect" or "prevent",after all,the product is not from ordnance factory,weak or none aggressivity.It was widely known that,military jammers have save VIP from road-side remote control explosive for many times,Pakistani President Musharraf avoided an assassination successfully due to the signal jammer had thwarted the attempt.This happened in December 2003.Another case was,British police considered using signal jammers to protect the president Bush’s motorcade through London when the president visited in November 2004.With the help of the military jammer,we can block phone calls during a drug raid so suspects can’t comminicate outside the area.Also ,the jammer can be used in areas where radio transmissions are dangerous.It means the areas is with a potentially explosive atmosphere,like the chemical storage facilities or grain elevators.When the signal jammer works in the areas,no calls can be made,no remote controllers can work,no GPS can locate and no wireless walkie-talkie can chat.Never mind, just an ad ,by the way.
So lucky,we are being away from war.