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Posted on 30th Jan 2015 @ 9:59 AM
If you find that everything that you said and what you have down have been recorded down by others then how would you feel if you are stay in such kind of condition? Of course that people will feel that it is really horrible to stay in such kind of condition since they will have no privacy at all and also the important information of them will be given out as well at the same time. Of course such kind of condition should be forbidden and gain the safety condition again to people as well. And that is also why now the wireless bug camera audio signal jammers are being invented since they are just designed to help people in such kind of condition.
As we all know now that a lot of people now are really afraid that they will be tracked by the audio and also the video recording devices as well at the same time, and in such kind of condition the measures should really be taken to solve the problem and if have the need now it is really necessary for people to use the wireless audio video signal jammers to help them solve the problem and just here if you have the need then you can just come here jammerfromchina and then you can know more details of wireless bug camera audio signal jammers and then gain more useful information then.
And of course to meet up with the requirements of people now different styles of the wireless bug camera audio signal jammers that are designed to help people and there are both the handheld wireless bug camera audio signal blockers and also the high power wireless bug camera audio signal blockers that are offered here as well and just here if you have the need then you can just come here and have a look at this “Wireless Bug Camera Audio WiFi Jammer with Hand-held Design”, which is just taken as the instance here and then you can just have a look at the details.
This hand-held bug camera audio jammer has been designed with the function of block the wireless cameras of the frequency bands 980-1100MHz, 1000-1200MHz, 1240 -1360Mhz and also the Bluetooth/WiFi Wireless spy camera 2400-2500Mhz. On the other hand determined by your background signal strength the jamming radius of this camera jammer is up to 15 meters. Using the leather cover makes the hand-held camera jammer easier to carry. Thus as designed with the car charger people can also easily have this wireless audio video signal jammers charged in the car as well, which is really convenient for the car owner when the wireless audio video signal jammers has no power.
Also except this handheld wireless bug camera audio signal blocker there are also a lot of other styles wireless bug camera audio jammers offered here as well and if you have the need then you can just come here and then gain one at the best price.