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High Quality New Arrival High Power 3G WiFi Jammer

Posted on 12th Apr 2014 @ 9:39 AM

We all know that now in order to meet the needs of different kinds of people various types of cell phone signal jammers have come into the market and also other types such as the WiFi jammers, GPS jammers and also many other types of jammers also come to meet the requirements of people. And also there are high power multi-functional signal jammers that designed with powerful ability that are needed by people as well and if you are by chance looking for such kind of devices such as the mobile phone WiFi jammer that with powerful jamming ability then you can just come here www.jammerfromchina.com and this passage here will also offer you a lot of useful information as well.

20W High Power Desktop WiFi 3G Cell Phone Jammer with Outer Detachable Power Supplyview product details

As well all know for some people now they do not only want to cut off the signals of the 3G mobile phones and also have the necessary to block the WiFi signals at the same time and usually the normal handheld mobile phone WiFi signal jammer and also some desktop WiFi 3G mobile phone jammer can’t meet their requirements as well if people have the need of block up to about 60 meters jamming distance then it is not so easy to reach but here this new arrival product that named “6 Antenna High Power Adjustable WiFi 3G 4G All Mobile Phone Signal Jammer” being introduced here in this passage is just the high power 3G WiFi jammer that can help people that have such kind of requirements and as to see is to believe then you can just have a look at the details of the desktop Bluetooth 3G cell phone jammer as follows.

Then soon you will know that this desktop Bluetooth 3G cell phone jammer is designed with 20W high power and also designed with the outer detachable power supply as well so that the jamming distance of it is up to 60 meters at most depending on the signal strength in the given area. Thus this is a high power 3G WiFi signal blocker so that there is no doubt it is designed with high quality cooling system so that this Bluetooth 3G cell jammer with outer detachable power supply can easily reach the goal of 24/7 working nonstop and without causing the high temperature problem at all since the high quality cooling fan has been install inside this desktop Bluetooth 3G cell phone jammer already.

Besides another merit of this desktop Bluetooth 3G cell phone jammer is that it can be widely used in a lot of certain places such as the 3G Bluetooth signal blocker as well as for places such as the meeting rooms, classrooms, training centers, factories, banks, trains, bus and so on where the quiet condition are in need or the mobile phones and WiFi are not allowed to be used. So if you have the need to gain the high power 3G WiFi signal jammer then you can just come here www.jammerfromchina.com to reach the goal.