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Posted on 28th May 2014 @ 9:29 AM
Do you know what kinds of signal blocking devices are being used in the fixed places where needs quiet and safety condition and also have requirements about the jamming g frequency bands? In such kind of condition, of course the high power signal jammers that are suitable to be applied in the fixed places are widely being used. However, do you know what kind of signal jammers are suitable for the group of people who do not want others know that they are using the signal jamming device and also have the need to take the signal blockers with them as well? The best selection should be the mini hidden handheld signal jammers and just here you will gain the chance and have a good beginning here.
Almost all the high technology products now for sale in the market are all designed with the aiming to meet up with people's requirements and help to create a better condition for people and now the hidden style signal jammers are also designed with such kind of goal and aiming to take people the comfortable and cosy life as well and just here there are various types of mini handheld signal jammers that are offered such as the mini handheld mobile phone signal jammer, mini handheld mobile phone GPS signal jammer and so on and then we can just have a look at more useful information via the details.
Just have a look at this "Mini Cellphone Style Handheld Mobile Phone GPS Jammer" and then taken it as the example soon we can see that this portable mini 3G GPS signal blocker can block the signals of the CDMA/GSM DCS/PCS 3G GPS at the same time so that it is both a cell phone jammer and a GPS jammer. And designed with high quality the jamming radius of this handheld mobile phone GPS jammer is also powerful which is up to 10 meters depending on the signal strength in the given area. Thus what makes that mini handheld GPS 3G cell phone jammer special is that the size of it is small and people can easily hold it at hand, and designed with the built-in antennas it is not easy for other people to discover that you are using the mini handheld GPS 3G cell phone jammer. And you can even put this mini handheld GPS 3G cell phone jammer in the pocket or just in the bag when you have the need.
Thus when the mini handheld GPS 3G cell phone blocker has no power during your driving you can also easily have it charged via using the car charger as well, which is really convenient and helpful. And also there are also other types of mini hidden handheld signal jammers that designed to block other types of signals that are for sale here at and if you have the need, you can just go ahead and pick up the suitable one.